It’s totally understandable to feel a little intimidated when you go to your antenatal appointments. Especially if they are at a hospital or the midwife is flustered because she's running behind schedule.
But it is vital that you get the answers to any questions you may have at the time. So I recommend preparing a list beforehand.
If you can demonstrate you want to be an active participant in your antenatal appointments your midwife may respond by being more transparent and offering just a little more information.
Being informed is the first step towards a positive birth experience.
To help you, I've put together a list of example questions you could ask in your midwife appointments:
Will you be the midwife I see for every appointment?
If I have an urgent question how do I contact you? And in what scenario should I be calling you?
How often will I have these midwife appointments? Will they always take place here?
What sort of things will you be doing or asking in these appointments?
What are my options for places to give birth? (If you’d like information about homebirth to consider then ask for that too)
How do I book a hospital tour or can I speak to someone at the hospital to discuss my preferences?
When will my next ultrasound be?
Ask about any pregnancy symptoms or discomfort that you’re experiencing.
What support will I receive after I’ve given birth? Is there anything I need to opt into and put my name down for?
Where can I get breastfeeding support once my baby is here?